Metamorphosis by Kafka

I don't mind the sun sometimes
2 min readJan 1, 2021


‘As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect-like creature.’

Metamorphosis, perhaps Kafka’s most popular story, begins like this. It tells the story of a traveling salesman, working at a place where he feels unappreciated and living with his family. When he discovers he has become an insect, he first hides in his room and then confronts with his wanting family and manager, who is horrified at his new appearance. He hides in his room. He is very close with his sister and his sister who accepts him as who he is and feeds him. Gregor isolates himself to his room and becomes more of a cockroach day by day. They become financially needy, as Gregor isn’t able to work anymore. After a minor struggle with his father, he becomes permanently injured and spends rest of his days with an apple stuck in his back. His family takes temporary renters to improve their financial situation but everything goes down as one day they see Gregor. This creates a big anarchy, which results with his family no longer being able to tolerate Gregor’s existence. Heartbroken, he dies in his room. After his death, his family is relieved of the burden that Gregor brought.

Psychologically, Gregor’s metamorphosis into a roach is actually a trip to his subconscious. He becomes the fears and thoughts laid deep in it. Also, his waking up into being a cockroach is a case of de-existence, losing one’s touch with reality. These are also in context with Freud’s personality description; one is composed of id, ego and superego. Gregor felt worthless to his family and insignificant in society and repressed these in his id and as his personality was not well developed enough, these thoughts came to surface and manifested themselves as turning into a cockroach. His father and consciousness displays the ego, he did not wanted to live as he is; just like his father not accepting him; so he decides to die. Superego here is his sister, who cares for him even though she finds him gross; because she feels morally responsible. It is a deep story and no wonder it comes one’s up first when thinking of Kafka.

And here, down below, an incredible album from Philip Glass which he inspired by Kafka’s same name novella, Metamorphosis. Just close your eyes and get lost in the well composed sound of piano.



I don't mind the sun sometimes

Syncopated talkin’ backwards and recklessly, i let myself get toxicated by the words