Who is that Man?
Stefan Zweig. Austrian author, journalist, playwright, biographer. Born in 1881. Died in 1942. It’s not easy to introduce this man not widely, but well, I’m gonna try to keep it as simple as I can.
Zweig was born into a wealthy family. His family was Jewish and so he is. Considering his family, Zweig took high level of education. He began to write in journals at the early ages and travelled to a lot of countries before he settled in Salzburg, Austria. But during the Nazi Germany period, his books were condemned and banned. After that he driven into exile and immigrated to London, England at the age of 53. Married with a woman in England and became a British citizen. That was his second and last marriage. After 6 years, they travelled to Brazil and began to live in there. 22 February 1942. Zweig and his wife committed to suicide by taking an overdose barbiturates. Died in their apartment in Petropolis, Brazil. His reasons to suicide were being homesick and also being hopeless about what was happening in the world especially like Hitler’s dictotarship which led him to lose his faith about turning back his country. He was thinking that the fascist regime will go on and will be much more worse (he wasn’t that wrong I must admit). …